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Blood glucose monitoring is a crucial means for diagnosing diabetes and assessing glycemic control among diabetic patients.

by len king on Jul 03, 2024

Blood glucose monitoring is a crucial means for diagnosing diabetes and assessing glycemic control among diabetic patients.

When performing blood glucose testing, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results:

I. Preparation Before Testing

Dietary Adjustments:

  • The day before the test, maintain a light and balanced diet, avoiding spicy, irritant, and sugary foods. Do not deliberately alter your eating habits or reduce food intake to maintain your regular dietary routine.
  • If fasting blood glucose is to be tested, abstain from food for at least 10 hours after dinner the previous night, but you may consume moderate amounts of warm water. Avoid strong tea and coffee.

Emotions and Exercise:

  • Remain calm for 30 minutes before testing, avoiding strenuous physical activity, as it may affect blood glucose levels.
  • Maintain a pleasant mood and avoid emotional fluctuations, as they too can influence blood glucose test results.

Tool Preparation:

  • If performing the test at home, ensure you have high-quality blood glucose meters, test strips, alcohol, cotton swabs, and disposable lancets.
  • Ensure that the glucose meter is calibrated and within its expiration date. Similarly, test strips should be within their validity period and stored properly to prevent moisture or sunlight exposure.

II. Testing Process


  • Cleanse the blood sampling site (typically the U-shaped area of the finger, avoiding the fleshy part and fingertip) with alcohol, and wait for the alcohol to evaporate completely before puncturing.

Blood Sampling:

  • Apply moderate pressure when puncturing to obtain an adequate blood sample. Avoid excessive squeezing, as it may introduce tissue fluid into the blood, affecting the accuracy of the test.
  • It is generally recommended to use the second drop of blood for testing, as the first drop may contain tissue fluid or residual alcohol.

Testing and Recording:

  • Follow the instructions in the glucose meter's manual to insert the test strip into the meter and apply the blood drop to the strip for testing.
  • Record the blood glucose value immediately after testing for subsequent analysis and treatment adjustments.

III. Other Considerations

Regular Calibration of Glucose Meter:

  • Calibrate the glucose meter regularly to maintain accuracy. You can take it to the place of purchase or a hospital for comparative calibration.

Attention to Testing Times:

  • Diabetic patients should follow their doctor's recommendations for blood glucose testing, typically including fasting blood glucose, postprandial two-hour blood glucose, and bedtime blood glucose. More frequent testing may be required for unstable blood glucose or special needs.

Do Not Stop Medication Without Authorization:

  • If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and are receiving treatment, do not stop or alter medication timing for the sake of testing. This may affect test results and lead to fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

Maintain Regular Routines:

  • Good sleep and regular eating habits contribute to stable blood glucose levels. Try to maintain these routines before blood glucose testing.

Seek Timely Medical Attention:

  • If test results indicate abnormal blood glucose levels or you experience other symptoms, consult a doctor promptly and follow their advice for treatment and adjustments.

In summary, blood glucose monitoring requires meticulous operation and attention to detail. By adhering to the above precautions, the accuracy and reliability of test results can be ensured, providing strong support for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.

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