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Dog breeding is a process that requires careful consideration and preparation.

by len king on Jun 27, 2024

Dog breeding is a process that requires careful consideration and preparation.

Here are some important points to note:

Choosing the Right Mating Age:
Male dogs: It is generally recommended to mate male dogs after they turn 1 year old to ensure their 
physical development is complete.
Female dogs: The mating age of female dogs should consider their size, breed, and health status. While small breeds may reach sexual maturity at 6-8 months, it is recommended to wait until their second heat cycle (around 12-18 months) for mating to ensure their bodies are fully developed. Large breeds reach sexual maturity later, usually at 10-12 months, and similarly, it is recommended to wait until their second heat cycle for mating.

Selecting the Right Mating Partner:
It is essential to choose a male dog with purebred, robust physical condition, fast growth, strong disease resistance, and high reproductive ability for mating to obtain superior offspring.

Mating Environment:
Mating should occur in a quiet and clean environment, avoiding onlookers and noise to minimize distractions and stress for the dogs.

Post-Mating Care:
After mating, avoid immediate water intake and intense exercise for the dogs, and let them rest in their kennels.
Male dogs should not mate frequently to prevent affecting their health and shortening their breeding lifespan. For adult male dogs, mating once a day is suitable, with a break of 3-4 days between matings. The mating
 frequency for young and older male dogs should be appropriately reduced.

Management During Pregnancy:
Gestation Period: The gestation period for dogs usually ranges from 58-64 days, but the specific duration may vary depending on the breed and individual differences.
Pregnancy Care: Ensure that the female dog receives sufficient food, water, and rest, avoiding intense exercise or exposure to high temperatures.
Pre-Birth Preparation: Prepare a quiet, warm, and safe environment for the female dog's delivery.

Delivery and Postnatal Care:
Before delivery, the female dog may exhibit signs such as the loss of amniotic fluid and uterine
During delivery, the female dog will bite through the amniotic sac and lick off the amniotic fluid from the puppies. The umbilical cord will then naturally detach, and the placenta will be expelled along with it.
After delivery, ensure that the female dog has sufficient nutrition and rest to recover, and regularly check the health of the puppies.

Record-Keeping and Management:
Carefully record the female dog's first heat cycle date, the duration of each phase, and the mating date for future reference.

In summary, dog breeding requires comprehensive consideration of factors such as mating age, mating partner, mating environment, post-mating care, pregnancy management, delivery and postnatal care, as well as record-keeping and management. Through reasonable management and attention, the health and successful breeding of dogs can be ensured.

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